If you are one of those people that doesn’t start their day without a dose of caffeine, this article is for you (uhm, for us).
Before we dig into the location of the best coffees in the Philippines to use your personalized engraved mug, let’s have a quick review of the 4 most common types of coffee:
1. Arabica (Coffea arabica) This is the most common type of coffee bean that dominates 60% of the coffee production in the world. Arabica usually grows in locations with high altitude and is the most delicate coffee variety. Cordillera’s Arabica is sweet and acidic while Mindanao’s beans are bittersweet with floral notes.
2. Robusta (Coffea caniphora) Robusta beans are often used in making instant coffee. Compared to Arabica, Robusta has doubled caffeine content which is a factor why it is more tolerant of its environment. It won’t be called Robusta if it doesn’t have bolder taste, right? It also has woody aftertaste and is perfect when combined with milk or sugar as the flavor doesn’t lose that much.
3. Liberica (Coffea liberica) The much loved Barako coffee came from Liberica beans. The woody taste is quite strong and has a unique floral-fruity aroma. Its beans are larger and has irregular shape than other variety.
4. Excelsa (Coffea excelsa) The Excelsa variety is often confused with Robusta and Liberica due to its similar taste. It has a sweet and fruity taste and usually added to other coffee blends to boost the flavor.
Now to the main event, here are some of the go-to places if you are craving for specialty coffee:
- Benguet: If Ilocos Sur won the Robusta category, then Benguet dominated the Arabica variety
- Mt. Province: Sagada coffee, anyone? The famed civet coffee won the Medaille Gourmet on 2017 because of its premium roast.
- Mt. Matutum
- Ilocos Sur: The province won on 2018 Philippine Coffee Quality Competition (PCQC) as the best Robusta coffee in the country
- Ifugao: They are rich in Robusta beans but they also produce quality Arabica
- Cavite: Café Amadeo; produces one of the best Robustas and Libericas in the country. We wouldn’t expect less from the coffee capital, wouldn’t we?
- Mindoro
- Batangas: Kapeng Barako = Batangas; do we need to add more? Lol
- Quezon
- Sorsogon
- Bicol Region
There are other provinces in the Philippines that offers high-quality coffee like Bukidnon and SOCCSKSARGEN region. Most of them are award winning not just locally but on foreign coffee awards.
Hope this will help you enjoy your next coffee on your personalized coffee mug. 😊
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